Liner Installation

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Liner Installation

Four Styles

Chimney Liner Styles
Our services include:
  • Gas Liners
  • 316 Twin Flexi
  • 904 Twin Flexi – the inner and outer skins of this flue liner are made from 904 grade stainless steel, one of the leading chimney liners available. It’s recommended for heavy usage and has a 30-year guarantee.
  • Solid Fuel Twin Wall

Flue Liners

Flue Liners
Flue liners are an efficient and convenient way to fix a leaking, aged chimney. We will fit a flexible stainless steel liner down the chimney, feeding it from the roof through the whole length of the chimney. This will protect your chimney from the smoke and tar that your stove will release.

Some years ago it was discovered that the majority of chimneys were unsafe and not fit for purpose. It is also extremely important that the correct-sized flue is fitted; many of the new wood burning stoves need a certain size to work correctly.

Four Seasons Chimney Sweep can advise you about which flue liner would be best suited for your stove and chimney.

Why To Install A Liner

Flue Liners
The reasons to install a liner in a chimney are many. 

They include:
  • The chimney is leaking smoke and fumes into your home
  • Gas flow is restricted due to corroded masonry
  • To prevent tar seeping through the chimney and causing unsightly marks
  • The chimney is not watertight
All our flue liners are HETAS-approved; suitable for all types of stoves.
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